Morag Morrison

Certified Personal Medicine Coach

Principal Support n Connect – Registered NDIS Service Provider

Director Realising Recovery – Peer led mental health service

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My name is Morag and I currently live in NE Victoria on the border of NSW and VIC. Moved to Aus with my family from Scotland 15 years ago. I’ve worked mostly in public and NGO sector management in both Scotland and here in Aus -  leisure, sport and recreation, event management,  health and mental health services, and in health systems advocacy and peer leadership roles.

I’ve always had a passion for social justice influenced by my parents and my great grandmother, a suffragette and social change activist. Add to that my own experience of serious health and mental health challenges and recovery, brings me to where I am today. That passion for social justice, coupled with my belief in the right of every individual to live a full and meaningful life of their choosing, are the primary drivers in my work. Personal Medicine Coaching helps us to discover and activate the power within each of us to take back control and live with hope and purpose. Thank you to Pat Deegan, Allison Stiles and Missy Rufo for seeing what was already there and bringing it to us in such a powerful way so that we can spread the “conspiracy of hope” and also for providing the opportunity to “disrupt” and change mental health services for the better.  


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