Dan Shohet

Employment/Vocational Specialist 

Consumers Providers Program -Yozma-Dereh-Ha-Lev

Certified Personal Medicine Coach (CPMC)

CPMC Trainer (CPMC-T)

Contact Me Facebook

I work in mental health rehabilitation services since 2009, and ever since 2016 at the Israeli "Consumers Providers" Program. I have known a few things about the good, the bad, and the ugly of the mental-health system even before I started working in the field - by seeing and supporting loved ones in my extended family. Today I support people who are drawing upon their own lived experience in the system while they find a job and a sense of meaning in helping others, as peer providers in different roles and different settings. Being a CPMC matches everything else I try to do in my professional life - it matches my values and practices, of helping to put the person herself/himself back in the driver's seat of their lives.


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