Marissa Raines, CPRS

Dickenson County Behavioral Health Services

Certified Personal Medicine Coach 

I am a person in long-term recovery and learned about the power of Personal Medicine while working in my current profession and I love it. I felt the drive to incorporate it into my work at a mental health facility. Once I learned about the people I was serving and starting to see them bloom and blossom in their recovery and their confidence I took the proper measures to learn as much as I could about using personal medicine. I offer my lived experience with both substance use and addiction to support others in their journeys to wellness. I love Personal Medicine and am so very glad that I found Pat Deagen's CMPC materials and still utilize these, daily, for myself. This is my true passion, supporting others, and offering my past experiences to relate with all situations is a dream and this drives me to the best I can be.

Email 276-935-1680 ext: 139

50% Complete

Two Step

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